Joo Mak is a Korean restaurant which is situated at a small corner nearby the hawker centre, and at the top level of Beauty World. Joo Mak is one of the restaurant that served really authentic Korean food and some Korean food ( eg: Spicy Octopus [ 낚지 볶음 ] ) that is uncommon is Singapore can be found in Joo Mak.
Wanted to try dishes that I have never tried before so decided to order Spicy Rice Cake with Ramyeon [ 라볶이 ] and also Seafood Soup With Noodles [ 짬뽕전골 ] but was told that Seafood Soup With Noodles [ 짬뽕전골 ] was not available. Changed the order to Fish Cake Soup [ 어묵탕 ]. Was disappointed though as I really wanted to try 짬뽕전골.
It so happened that there was a gathering there so waited for quite awhile for the food.
Spicy Rice Cake with Ramyeon [ 라볶이 ]
The 라볶이 was spicy enough for me but I feel that the rice cake might have been cooked for too long, so it become a bit too soft and lost the chewy texture of the rice cakes. However, the rest of the ingredients inside the 라볶이 was really tasty as they had absorbed the aroma and taste from the sauce especially the fish cake which was totally spicy and also sweet at the same time.
Will recommend this dish if you want to experience a combination different taste and texture in one dish.
Fish Cake Soup [ 어묵탕 ]
Fish Cake Soup [ 어묵탕 ] arrived with a pleasant aroma and I can't waited to have a taste of the soup. The bowl is really filled right to the brim of the bowl with lots of ingredients in the soup.
The soup taste sweet upon the first mouth and it makes me crave for more. ( Couldn't stop drinking the soup ). Although there chilli is being cooked together with the soup but you won't feel any hot and spice at all.
As the fish cakes and fish balls get lesser and lesser, you will start to see other ingredients appearing. Was quite surprised to see clams inside the soup. Also saw radish inside the soup too.....guess the radish add on to the sweetness of the soup.
The boss is really generous with the ingredients of this soup and we couldn't finished the fish cakes and fish balls in the soups as there's really too much.
Will recommend this dish if you are really a fish cake or fish ball lover.
We paid a total of about $42 for these 2 dishes and is shared among 2 person which I felt that it is reasonable. Another thing to take note : Joomak only charged for services but not for GST.
Joomak is located at:
144 Upper Bukit Timah Road
Beauty World Centre
Tel :
6466 7871 / 8378 1036
( You can call to make a reservation if you have a larger group )
Opening Hours :
Lunch : 12pm - 3pm
( No lunch hour on Monday )
Dinner : 6pm - 11pm